The Pilates Method

Pilates is Movement. Movement is Medicine.
Pilates is for everyone.

Pilates is both a mind and body-conditioning method which teaches you how to have greater control and awareness of your posture and the way your body moves. It targets the deep stabilising muscles and focuses on good body alignment and breathing patterns.

What are the potential benefits?

Improves your posture and enhances joint mobility
Strengthens your core stabilising muscles and improves muscle tone
Improves body awareness, coordination and balance
Provides greater resistance to injuries by working your deep intrinsic muscles
Creates anatomical alignment
Encourages relaxation by releasing stress and tension
Improves mind-body connection
Promotes overall health, fitness and mental wellbeing

Pilates movement prioritises control, stability, strength and flexibility. Each exercise performed and all equipment used assist in achieving functional movement and personal wellbeing goals

A Pilates practice is also a great way to complement sports training, promote recovery from an injury or surgery, as well as develop body awareness and functional fitness for your everyday life.

My sessions promise to complement your existing routines, leaving you feeling energised, positive and with an unmistakable healthy glow. This is a body transformation for a stronger, leaner and lengthened physique improving posture, balance and core strength.

I offer one to one, two to one, small group private sessions or corporate workshops all bespoke to your needs at the time. From first class beginners to making it your lifestyle, youā€™re in safe hands. Find your perfect starting point here.

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Financiado por la UniĆ³n Europea - NextGenerationEU

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